This series of posts will deal with the V:tES skill many players learn after learning how to play the game: Deck Building.
In creating decks, I ask the following questions:
- What is the key card/idea/trick of this deck?
- Which vampires support this? [Create the initial crypt]
- How can the key library card be
abusedused to its full potential?[Create the initial library] - How do I intend to oust? [Improve the library/crypt]
- How do I intend to survive against stealth bleed? Powerbleed? Combat? Vote? Intercept? Imbued/allies? [Improve the library/crypt]
- What have others done before? How have they dealt with the strategy's weaknesses? [Improve the library/crypt]
- What is my inventory like? [Iterate steps 1-7 as needed]
As an example, we will walk through creating a Henry Twister deck, once prevalent in the US and European meta but now largely ignored in favor of other, more resilient twister flavors, the most popular of which is the Girls Will Find ... variant. According to the TWDA, Henry Twisters won 7 tournaments from 2005 through 2011, 4 from North America and the rest from Europe.
Twister --
- a deck designed to operate at below normal deck minimums (usually 40 cards) through the use of
burn option cards to pad the deck to normal minimums and ashheap recursion to line up perfect hands. (XZealot)
- a deck designed to reduce its own library down to a relative few (10 or so, maybe less) cards that are just perfect. The excess cards are usually burn cards for bloodlines not to be found in the twister deck's crypt. Then the desired cards are continually regenerated, for instance, by using Waste Management Operation. (Frederick Scott)
- "Twister" is a deck that is played from the ash heap (Jozxyqk)
- Henry Twister --
- [A twister deck that] uses Henry Taylor's ability to regenerate library cards. (Frederick Scott)
- What is the key card/idea/trick of this deck?
The new deck is a Henry Taylor Twister. Henry gets
- Which vampires support this?
As an initial crypt, I can use:
5x | Henry Taylor | POT cel pre pro | 6 | Brujah antitribu:3 | |
3x | Khalu | AUS CEL POT ani pro | 7 | Osebo:3 | |
1x | Daliyah | PRO obf | 4 | Nosferatu:2 | |
1x | Chandler Hungerford | PRO | 3 | Gangrel:2 | |
1x | Sadie | pro | 2 | Gangrel antitribu:2 | |
1x | Anarch Convert | 1 | Caitiff:0 | ||
But to be honest, he needs a home.
- How can the key library card be
abusedused to its full potential?
1x | Archon Investigation / Direct Intervention / Sudden Reversal |
1x | Forced Awakening / On the Qui Vive |
1x | Telepathic Misdirection for Khalu |
1x | Earth Meld |
1x | Form of the Ghost |
1x | Quick Meld |
1x | Wolf Claws |
With this hand, we can cancel EvilStuff(TM) or pool-gaining masters of the prey, bounce bleeds, manuever away in combat to play the S:CE-untap (and ready to block again) trick, or hit your unsuspecting prey with aggravated damage.
In the next post, we will round out the rest of the library (Question 4.), put in some counters to other strategies (Question 5.) and incorporate lessons learned from other deck builders (Question 6.).
In the mean time, some light reading material to complement the Henry Twister: Game mechanics: 90 cards vs smaller decks (at Google Groups > RGTCJ).
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