
#18 OT: Blogger Stats on Pulled Fangs

Google has done a superb job in providing blog stats. I find myself checking these once in a while to see where my readers come from, both geographically and in terms of link referrals, and what they like reading about.

Since the blog started last October, readership of this blog has generally been from my home country, the Philippines. Today, for the first time, stats show that US readers have outclicked overtaken Filipino readers.

In terms of link referrals, it was surprising how influential extrala's blog was. The day Pulled Fangs was added to his blog roll, the blog gathered about 100 clicks in a day. Amazing.

The following two graphs show the popularity of posts and post types:

For now, it's clear what Pulled Fangs readers like: It's how to properly play cards, and hopefully, find new uses/obscure rulings through this blog. Secondly, it's how to understand particular decks in terms of crypt/library composition and maybe learn how to utilize them or beat them. Perhaps I'll devote more time to them than the Cause and Effect write-ups.

Do you have any ideas of what to write about? Drop me a line.

Image credits:
For map of the world: Freepik.com
For flags: Flags of the World on WorldAtlas.com

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