
#12 Deck Analysis: G1/2 Stealth Vote

This week I present a staple in the TWDA, and a personal favorite of mine, since it stars the Nosferatu.

Deck Name:G1/2 Stealth Vote

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=2 max=9 avg=6.42)
1xCalebros, The Martyr5obf pot ANINosferatu:2
1xDuck3obf potNosferatu:1
1xGilbert Duane7AUS DOM OBFMalkavian:1
1xMurat7ser OBF POTNosferatu:2
1xNikolaus Vermeulen7ani for obf POTNosferatu:2
1xRegilio, The Seeker of Akhenaten3aus obfNosferatu:2
2xSelma the Repugnant8ani for OBF POTNosferatu:1
2xSheldon, Lord of the Clog9for ANI AUS OBF POTNosferatu:1
1xSuhailah9pot ser FOR OBFVentrue:2
Library (75 cards)
Master (14)
1xGiant's Blood
1xLabyrinth, The
2xLegendary Vampire
1xWarsaw Station
1xWider View
6xZillah's Valley
Action (8)
6xFourth Tradition: The Accounting
1xKindred Intelligence
Political Action (17)
2xConservative Agitation
5xKine Resources Contested
6xParity Shift
1xPolitical Stranglehold
1xPraxis Seizure: Rome
Equipment (2)
1xAssault Rifle
Action Modifier (22)
1xAnimal Magnetism
2xCloak the Gathering
1xClosed Session
2xElder Impersonation
2xFaceless Night
2xForgotten Labyrinth
5xFreak Drive
2xLost in Crowds
4xSpying Mission
1xVeil the Legions
Reaction (4)
4xSecond Tradition: Domain
Combat (6)
3xBehind You!
3xGemini's Mirror
Combo (2)
2xSwallowed by the Night

Created with Secret Library v0.9.3.

For this update, I'll be using the suggested deck list questions in the VEKN Forum.
  • How do you intend to oust?
  • This deck aims to drain its prey of pool through political actions (Plan A) and bleeds (Plan B). Being a stealth-vote variant, much of the modifiers are aimed at actually making it to the referendum.
  • How do you intend to keep from being ousted?
  • The Parity Shifts are good defense against heavy bleeders since this will be the bleed sink of most tables. On the same vein, the Second Traditions should also be viable defense, even if they're sparse.
  • What do you want your ready region to look like (ie, how many guys are you planning on getting out)? 
  • On a good night, there will be anywhere from 4-5 vampires out, with all but 1 or 2 having titles. Many small minions should compensate for the lack multiacting, in case the first vamps don't have Fortitude.
  • What do you want your average turn to look like? 
  • The bigger vampires would Fourth Trad, Freak Drive, Equip, KRC/Parity.
  • The smaller vampires would either bleed or take political actions.
  • What's your metagame like? How do your opponents play? 
  • This deck has only seen play in JOL where the meta is wacky.
  • What problems have you observed with the deck in play? 
  • In the most recent game this was been played, it went up against: Ankou/VD -> Ayo + guns -> <I forget what> -> G3/4 !Gangrel. It was very resilient against the PRO combat of the !Gangrel mainly due to the dodges from the combat section. It was also successful against the Ankou deck because of the stealth package. The Ayo deck fell due also to the stealth of this deck. This deck got 3VP and the GW.
  • The Animal Magnetism can probably go, and a bit more stealth or combat can also be good. I think one of the strengths of this deck. A noteworthy addition would be another Alastor and a Helicopter for more untap goodness, and which also helps put it in range for a Parity Shift. Also, a Changeling Skin Mask and Obfuscate masters can boost the effectiveness of its stealth package.
  • Bad play: With the lack of superior Obfuscate and too few Spying Missions, this deck gave its prey two VPs due to bounced bleeds.
  • Notable play: I started the last turn on 3 pool. I was up against the Ayo deck (on 7 pool). Paid 2 for a Legendary Sheldon. Sheldon calls Banishment on an untapped Undele. Ayo tries to block but it's stealthed. Passes. Used SchreckNET to see opponent's hand (1 On the Qui Vive). Another vamp calls Parity Shift. Ayo tries to block again, but it's stealthed then passes. The rest of the vamps bleed with +1 stealth which the Ayo deck can't handle anymore.
On a parting note, this deck is fun to play since it enables you to play your game. It can also be played aggressively but in my opinion it shines when it plays a slow game, waiting for the right moment to lunge.


  1. I bet that Old Friends would work well with this deck, even if in limited quantities.

  2. Old Friends can work, though I agree that it should be in limited quantities. In general, good cardflow makes decks work, and OF's DNR clause hampers that.
